20th Anniversary

Send an email to atosecretaris@gmail.com and let us know if you attend our anniversary tournament next year and with how many participants you expect to participate.

Thanks in advance!!

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Tournament Poland

On 15 April, the Open Tang Soo Do Tournament took place at the Huragan Sports Centre in Wolomin. The competition was attended by 170 competitors from 7 clubs from all over Poland and one team from Greece. The competition was held under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Wolomin, Mrs. Elżbieta Radwan, and the Polish Taekwondo Union.

A total of 123 categories were held for the age groups of children, youngsters, cadets, juniors and seniors. The competitions were held in technical disciplines: traditional forms, weapon forms, speed techniques and high kick. The fighting forms in which the competitors could test themselves were tail fighting, soft stick and, for seniors, semi-contact, light-contact. During the official opening ceremony, a struggle was held in the black belt category in forms, where Zafeiropoulos Nikolaos I DAN Greece Tang Soo Do Ypermachos Agiou Dimitriou , performing the Bassaj Dai form, showed tremendous artistry. In the forms with weapons, the first place was won by Jakub Płachta I Dan from the Centrum Tang Soo Do Pionki Sports Club.

In each age category the best competitors were selected:

Children’s category

Wojda Amelia – Tang Soo Do Pionki

Category of youngsters

Fila Hanna – Tang Soo Do Pionki

Category Cadets

Wojda Jan – Tang Soo Do Pionki

Juniors and Seniors

Monkosa Krzysztof – Tang Soo Do Pionki

The aim of the tournament was to give beginners the opportunity to compete with intermediate and advanced competitors, and to take care of their first start, which a competitor remembers all his life.

More pictures you can find here! 

the next edition of the Open Tang Soo Do Tournament will take place in April 2024. We invite you to Poland.

Tang Soo !!




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Kick Off 2023

We starten met een boeiende training van 1,5 uur, waarbij we de toepassing van technieken uit de hyungs in gevechtsituaties in de praktijk brengen. Dit onderdeel (Bunhae/Eungyong in het Koreaans) wordt onderdeel van het curriculum voor Dandragers. Deze training mag je dus niet missen!

Daarna hebben we een meeting waarbij we samen de agenda voor 2023 invullen en uiteraard toasten we dan op het nieuwe jaar 🥂


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